Additional Staff

Community Midwives

The midwives are available to offer antenatal care and advice. They can be contacted on 020 8401 3171.

Community Nurses

The district nurse team attached to the practice provides nursing care to those patients who require care in their own home. They liaise with your doctor and other members of the health care team. They can be contacted via the surgery.

Health Visitors

Health visitors have particular expertise on health care for families and young children. They are based at Woodside Health Centre and can be contacted on 020 8274 6900.

What is a Care Navigator?

General practice receptionists and admin staff have been given specialist training to help signpost patients to the right health professional or service at that first point of contact.

The role of a GP receptionist has changed massively and to reflect this change, they are now referred to as ‘Care Navigators’.